Product Registration

This Product Registration is limited to US and Canadian residents only. For International customers, please contact Customer Service at 800-809-PANS (7267).
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All fields required unless marked optional.

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Hint: Start typing the first line of your address

Canadian residents must manually enter their address.
Why is this requested?
Why is this requested? Knowing where you shop matters to us so we can best serve you. Also, a proof of purchase may be required on warranty and service claims. Some of our items are only sold in certain retailers and some resellers, such as consignment sales, are not covered under warranty. If you received your product as a gift, you can give enter “Gift”.
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Why is this requested?
Why is this requested? Our products have limited warranties. The date you purchased the item may be used to help determine the terms of your product’s warranty. If you received your product as a gift, please provide the date the gift was received.
Why is this requested?
Why is this requested? The Product Category helps distinguish which type of product you have: Appliance, Bakeware, Cookware, Cutlery, Tools & Gadgets.
Why is this requested?
Why is this requested? The Product Line helps narrow down which product you have so we can provide the best response to your questions as well as identify the appropriate warranty.
Why is this requested?
Why is this requested? The Product Type allows us to know exactly which product piece you are asking about so we can provide information specific to that type of product.